Electronics... fancy word but what does it mean and how we deal with it? Lots of physics and mathematics beyond this concept. We have all heard about electrical circuits and electrical components such as vacuum tubes, trasistors, integrated circuits or diodes. But what for? Electronics is widely used in telecommunications, signal processing and information processing. More than that, the ability of electronic devices to act as swiches makes digital information processing possible. One of the biggest and more important parts of electronics represents the focusing on engineering aspects. Nowadays electronics engineers can design circuits using power supplies, integrated circuits, semiconductors.

Construction methods have changed and progressed over the years and most modern day electronics now use new materials that bring along better results. More than that, the accent is now on health and environmental concerns associated with electronics assembly that have gained more and more increased attention in the past recent years. Over 1000 circuits schematics http://www.electroschematics.com/page/2/, ideas for beginners and more than that, valuable information that will help you practice your hobby, you can find it all browsing through our project. If you want to improve your knowledge and your skills, but also to prove yourself as a great electronics engineer, our projects will definitely help to find complete information and inspiration for your further projects. We invite you to browse through our main categories and discover many interesting and concrete articles: solar charges for solar panels, battery chargers, kits, voltage converters, datasheet, etc.